Soulnote Z-3 Network Transport
Soulnote Z-3 旗艦 Network Transport:
ZERO Link 加上 Diretta,將數碼音樂推上更高層次
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Soulnote Z-3旗艦數碼串流轉盤
- 輸入介面: SFP, USB
- 支援格式: (PCM) Maximum 768kHz (AIFF, WAV, FLAC, Apple Lossless, mp3, AAC) 16bit, 24bit, 32bit, (DSD )Maximum 22.6MHz (dsf, diff)
- 消耗功率: 30W
- 尺寸: 454 x 174 x 393 mm
- 重量: 約20Kg
Roon Server: Pachanko Labs Constellation Mini SE
Power supply for Roon Server:Ferrum HYPSOS
解碼器: Soulnote S-3 Reference (
前級: Soulnote P-3 (
後級:Soulnote M-3 (
喇叭:Marten Parker Quintet (
電源處理:Isoclean VDH-PT-3030 (,
IsoTek V5 Aquarius (
輔件:Entreq Macro Box 地盒 (
ASI Resonator 房間處理 (
Power Cord for Soulnote Z-3:Stockfisch AC-Pro電源線 (
Power Cord for Ferrum HYPSOS. : KBL Sound Zodiac (
Power Cord for Soulnote P-3 pre amp : Isoclean Silver-Focus(
Power Cord for Soulnote M-3 Power amp : Viborg VP1501
LAN Cable Roon Server to Z-3: Stellar Velvety Ether LAN 線
Z-3 to S-3 Reference: ZERO Link
USB Cable Z-3 to S-3 Reference: Viborg
Interconnect S-3 Reference to P-3 : Isoclean XLR Focus. (
Interconnect phono amp. to Int. amp.: Soulnote RBC-3 XLR
Speaker cable: Soulnote RSC-06