【家訪】相信是全港首位JMR 【Voce Grande】用家!
JMR 【Voce Grande】Specification:
Nominal impedance: 8ohms (minimum 6,8 ohms)
Efficiency: 88,5db/W/m 2.83V
Second order crossover section 12db/Octave centered at 1200hz
Distorsion: below 2% from 200hz to 18khz at 85db
Bandwidth: 38hz to 30khz (35hz at -6db)
Power handling: 40 to 180W
Connexion: mono wire + ground terminal for crossover components
Dimensions (with stand): H 110cm L 28cm P 39cm
Weight: 32kg
Price: approx. HKD 74000
JMR 【Voce Grande】website: https://jm-reynaud.com/voce-grande.html